The Responsibility Of The Poor In A Christmas Carol By Charles Dickens

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He believes that if they are poor they should suffer and die to prevent the population surplus. Since there are charities he believes that it is the poor peoples fault because they cant afford to take care of their families. Charles Dickens was born February 7th, 1812 on the southern coast of England. He was the second oldest of a family, whose father was trying to become rich. According to Charles Dickens’ Biography, these efforts to get rich caused the family to be poor but extremely happy. By the time Charles Dickens was 10 they moved to a poor neighborhood in London. His father had a habit of living beyond their means and caused the family to go to jail. That’s where they put the poor people that had a debt. It sounds eerily similar…show more content…
It inspired the story because of how the poor was treated and that no one gave them sympathy or charity. At the end of the story, Ebenezer Scrooge realizes that he needs to change his ways and cherish what he has. When the Ghost of Christmas Past talks about Fezziwig’s party and how he only used three or four of mortal money for the party. Scrooge realizes in the story that it is not the amount of money spent that matters but by spending his income he realizes that Fezziwig gains the ability of happiness: “Power to render us happy or unhappy his power lies in words and looks; in things so slight and insignificant that it is impossible to add and count 'em up: what then? The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune" (Dickens). Scrooge realized that spending money is a wise investment in life itself. Dickens wrote this part of the story to show that after people started to give more to charity that the economy became better. With all the hardship that Charles Dickens went through in his life he wanted social commentary to reform the system so that everyone can have a chance in life. In conclusion, commentary of Victorian Society and how social reformers (Ebenezer Scrooge) believed that the poor are a waste to have, charity encouraged lethargy, and how his own experiences inspired social commentary in the

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