The Pros And Cons Of The Tripartite System

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By the end of the 1960s the main failings of the Tripartite system were apparent; equality of educational opportunity was lacking and the wastage of talent was not providing business with the education and skills needed for economic growth (Guy, 2015). Britain needed an education system that did not divide children at the age of 11. The comprehensive system of schooling offered a solution, by providing one type of school for all pupils of all backgrounds and abilities, who would be offered equal opportunities to training and qualifications (Haralambos, 2004). Once implemented, change occurred at a rapid pace. In the ten years following 1965, around 90 per cent of all state secondary schools in England became comprehensives (Times Higher Education,…show more content…
It was found many children who had failed to gain entry into a Grammar school were no less able as academic talents were not pre-determined at an early age (Guy, 2015). These children were then denied an education appropriate to their talents, undermining their life chances and economic efficiency as adults. Additionally it was argued the progress of those pupils who would have gained entry to Grammar school would not be limited in Comprehensive schools (Haggar, 2013). It was also increasingly obvious that although the Tripartite system claimed parity of esteem, this was not the case and a move to comprehensive schools would equalise the funding bias. Also because pupils of all abilities would not be selected based on examinations, it was claimed that parity of esteem would exist in all comprehensives, reducing the self fulfilling prophecy of negative labelling. Comprehensive would also offer A level courses, with the intention of driving up overall academic standards and attracting more highly qualified staff. It has subsequently been noticed that there has been an overall improvement in qualifications gained. (Guy,

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