The Prince Republicanism

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During the 16th century Nicolli Machiavelli wrote “The Prince” to try to provide guidelines on how a successful ruler shall lead its people. The book was dedicated to newly elected Lorenzo di Piero de’ Medici the ruler of republic of Florentine in 1513. In his book Machiavelli describes a variety of ways in which a ruler can take power, remain in power and be successful. Political scholars have debated for centuries but never came to a conclusion whether Machiavelli advocated for a dictatorship form of government or the ideals of republicanism in his book. He always contradicted many of his ideas and did not provide a crisp and clear indication of which type of government he preferred. Machiavelli advocates the ideals of republicanism by stating…show more content…
Princes can come to power in four different ways. The first way is through evil acts, by killing citizens and betraying friends. The second way is through fortune or good luck. The third way is though prowess by using your personal abilities and attributes. The fourth way in which a prince can come to power is through the support of the common people or nobles. Those who rise to power through prowess have the foundations to maintain a principality and remain successful. Princes reap greater benefits than those who simply come to power through fortune. However, it is not to go without mentioning that every leader has a share of good luck themselves. Those who come to power through cruelty are less likely to remain in power than those who are appointed by the people. These princes remain at risk of committing crimes towards the people which could lead to the populace to begin to hate the ruler. These princes only achieve power no glory. The 4th way of coming to power advocates that the populace of a principality have a strong say in governmental functions. This route is what Machiavelli calls constitutional principalities. Every city has two groups of citizens, nobles and common people. Nobles often dominate the common people, which results in the establishment of a principality. The nobles and common people in the city are in a constant battle between one another. When feeling oppressed nobles will appoint a member from there group as prince to be able to accomplish their own ends through the prince’s authority. When the common people face the same situation, they will nominate one their own people to come as a prince in order for the prince to protect them. However, in order for a prince to remain in power and keep his power the prince shall adhere to the people of his principality. Nobles do not care for the goodwill of the people. If a

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