Target Corp.: Are There Any New Competitors In The Arena?

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Target Corp. Industry Analysis  Are there any new competitors in the arena? Does everyone think this is a hot idea? Target is one of the biggest chain stores that offers consumer with low cost yet chic products. Their biggest competitor is Wal-Mart. Target is ranked second in country in this category of marketing. There is approximately 1,925 target and super target stores across northern America. Super target have carved out itself by offering more upmarket goods to consumers it also helped them to take one step forward compare to its competitors Wal-Mart and K-mart. One of targets biggest advantages compare to its competitors is that they issue credit cards that can be used only at their stores, This has expanded their shoppers in a very fast paste in just only few years. The next focus of this company is the grocery business with unstoppable rate, they are rapidly expanding towards this goal and transforming their stores to be able to carry out this mission, they also…show more content…
The targets shoppers are predominantly females between ages of 30-45 of median household income of $60,000, in the latest survey %51 of targets consumers have graduated college and %33 has children at home. Their targeting strategy also reached a bigger audience with their famous logo “expect more, pay less” this is their brand promise which is followed by their campaign of “design for all” this type of targeting has drawn a bigger crowd towards shopping in this chain store, and made consumers move away from department stores with almost similar products but higher cost to purchase. One of their trademark marketing moves is to be flexible and follow the current of the market and economy of the marketplace for example during the recession target came up with the extraordinary strategy they said “Expect

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