The Philosophical Idea Of Eternal Recurrence In The Film Groundhog Day

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The 1993 film Groundhog Day provides a message through a self-absorbed weatherman stuck in a time loop that changes his attitude after realizing it is his worst flaw. The philosophical idea of eternal recurrence was implemented by Friedrich Nietzsche in the book The Gay Science, and the movie Groundhog Day uses Nietzsche’s idea for its plot. Nietzsche’s thoughts on recurrence are a substitution to Christian beliefs and vision of the future. Nietzsche wrote in The Gay Science that time was like a hourglass that it is turned over repeatedly. It is Nietzsche’s idea that the universe is recurring and it physically repeats infinitely. This idea is portrayed in Groundhog Day as Phil Connors, who is an egotistical weatherman, travels to a small town

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