The Persian Girls Analysis

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The “Persian girls” is a memoir written, by the word renowned author “Nahid Rachlin". The memoir was an extraordinary memoir that I had read. The memoir was about a young girl who went through many struggles in her lifetime in order to achieve success. This memoir had talked about Nahids family and her experiences during her lifetime. The memoir had also given a view on the conditions of Iran along with the cultures and customs as well as politics and whom had most power. While reading the book was a great experience the meetings I had with my fellow group members “Lull, Ravina and Shayan” was also very helpful. Listening to their thoughts and opinions about the memoir was also very engaging as well as interesting. Numerous times, discussing…show more content…
I had assumed that in Iran women had no rights; they were not allowed to pursue a higher education and did not even have basic rights. They had many restrictions imposed on them and lived a very isolated life. There was a lot of gender inequality in this memoir. One of my group members Shayyan had also believed that women of Iran had no rights and were treated unfairly. She believed “the women of Iran along with Nahids family were treated very poorly”. Shayyan had furthermore thought that it was truly unfair how the men treated women. I also consider they were treated very unjustly. I had similarly thought that in the memoir, women were betrothed at a very early age; they were given duties they were not mature enough to conduct. In the memoir Nahids sister Pari was married off at a very early age and endured many hardships during her marriage. Shayan had also strengthened my opinions by saying that being married off at a very young age also limits and destroys many opportunities. In the memoir Nahids sister Pari’s dreams were destroyed because she was married off at an early age, even though her husband had promised her she could pursue with her acting career. However, after the marriage, he refused due to the fact that he thought acting was an unethical profession and was not respected. Overall, we both had shared a common belief that women were very much oppressed in Tehran,

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