The Most Influential Person In My Life

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For this project, I decided to interview the most influential person in my life. Someone who has shown me unconditional love no matter how many times I have messed up, my mother, Elizabeth Broussard. She has taught me to love others no matter what and that I should always stand up for what I believe in. The reason I chose my mother is because every day she makes a difference in the world by being a kindergarten teacher in a lower income neighborhood. She loves her job and she loves being a mother and wife to my father. My mom was born in 1965 and grew up in the 1980’s with her mom, dad, and brother. They lived together in the Mid-western city called Austintown, Ohio. She said her father worked as a field engineer for a computer company while…show more content…
She ended up only having one child, me of course, and she says, “you were worth the wait and she is completely happy with just one child.” She raised me to believe I could accomplish anything I wanted to and to believe in myself no matter what. As far as gender roles go, she did place me in some traditional girls activities such as, gymnastics and dance, which I thoroughly enjoyed and excelled at. She also gave me the opportunity to participate in soccer, theatre, and girl scouts but I didn’t particularly enjoy them so I continued with dance. Her views of young women today cannot be categorized in one way, but she can say that “young woman today should feel the freedom to do and be whatever they want,” and that “there are more opportunities than ever before for a woman to be successful.” As a teacher, my mother took a methods class in college and was taught to never pair the girls against the boys, this is something that stuck with her throughout her teaching and something she never did. As a child, she wanted to be Miss America or a nurse. However, she is now a teacher and she loves her

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