The Killer's Door Character Analysis

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Humans crave conflict. We yearn for it in every piece of fiction we read. We love to identify the good and evil and see whom we relate to. When our emotions become twisted and misconstrued as we begin to feel sympathy for the bad guy, it is when we truly can recognize good versus evil. The Killer’s Tears, The Possibility of Evil, and Back to the Future I all utilize the theme of good versus evil. Have you ever felt mercy for a character even though you know you should not? In The Killer’s Tears by Anne-Laure Bondoux, the author toys around with our emotions just enough to make us feel sympathy for the bad guy. We are met with a murderer and an innocent child and although the pair seem unlikely, their mix of good and evil combined proves them a formidable pair. This book shows that the battle of good versus evil does not always need to resolve sometimes they can mix together to form the perfect combination.…show more content…
In Shirley Jackson’s Short story A Possibility of Evil, we are accosted with exactly this. The theme shows that even what appears to be principled, there can always be mischief lurking. A seemingly precious, little, old lady is revealed to be behind a stream of rude letters that are addressed to specific people around her town. Her nefarious evil is revealed and she is chastised for it accordingly. In this story, the theme is located around evil cannot be left uncorrected. Biff Tannen is the stereotypical bully that every viewer loves to hate. Big, bulky, and dim-witted, his main purpose is to bring torture to Gorge McFly in Back to the Future I. Biff’s evil is portrayed through rude, sarcastic comments and sometimes even physical violence. Back to the Future follows the clichéd bad guy versus good guy plot and ultimately ends with the protagonist triumphing over the antagonist. The theme here is that no matter how far evil may take you, good is always going to go

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