Argumentative Essay: Race Vs. All Lives Matter

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In todays society there is a lot of discourse surrounding two campaigns Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter. I believe that All Lives Matter is the better of the two. It seems as though All Lives Matter is not a movement but rather, a rebuttal against Black Lives Matter. African Americans have not been treated with much respect throughout history and today this is still a concern. Others argue that All Lives Matter is the better movement to support. On the contrary the issue at hand is race and if we say all lives matter, which they do, then we will be taking race completely out of the equation. Accordingly, if we take race out of the conversation nothing will get done to help this growing problem in society. In the last year alone, there…show more content…
Others argue that All Lives Matter is more empowering and showed more diversity. On the contrary All Lives Matter is not a social movement for justice. This saying is a response to the statement Black Lives Matter. By the posers saying All Lives Matter they are taking race completely out of the discourse. Most white people don’t have to think about what color they are on a daily basis. “When a white person responds to the statement “Black Lives Matter” by countering with “All Lives Matter” they exhibit a blindness to the privilege of living outside of a painful and marginalizing lens that highlights their race; a privilege not enjoyed by black and brown people” (Bedrick, 2015, p. 2) They can think of themselves as just a person, a human being. Straight white able bodied males can ignore their social identity, no one has ever questioned their identity, and they have never had to defend it either. African Americans do not have that luxury. When someone asserts All Lives Matter in response to Black Lives Matter, it dismisses acknowledging America’s racist past. Also, with today’s differential stop and frisk rates, sentencing levels, and job hiring, it demonstrates that racism still exists. (Bedrick,

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