The Importance Of Reconciliation

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Reconciliation is where normal relations between former parties to a conflict are re-established or restored. Reconciliation brings about healing of the individuals, rebuilding of non-violent relationships between the former parties to a conflict, where victims of past injustices are compensated and where both the victims and perpetrators of a past conflict accept a common vision and understanding of the past. Reconciliation helps prevent any recurrence of violence or conflict by restoring broken relationships between individuals and communities, consolidating peace, strengthening newly established or re-introduced democratic institutions and breaking the cycle of violence. Reconciliation helps enable both the perpetrators and the victims of violence to move on with life. Reconciliation is not a one off thing but rather a process that involves various steps and stages and is usually difficult, sometimes long and…show more content…
Choosing to forget the past can be a hindrance to reconciliation because it denies the victims the public acknowledgement of their pain, allows offenders to live in denial and denies future generations the opportunity to understand and learn from the past and participate in building a lasting reconciliation. There is a risk of repeating the same mistake to those who cannot remember the past. It is however keen to note that the passage of time does not necessarily mean that reconciliation will be produced. It therefore necessary to be keen on what stage of reconciliation comes first for each community since starting with a stage that does not suit a community may hinder reconciliation. For example, giving priority to truth telling may frustrate victims who are in urgent need of housing or medical care. It is also important to note that a rushed approach to reconciliation can be
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