The Importance Of Names In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is about a small town that holds a lottery yearly and one person is chosen to do a special task for the communities sake. The story takes place on June 27th, on a clear, sunny day. Although there are many characters names introduced throughout the story, the main characters are Mr. and Mrs. Delacroix, and Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson. Consequently, these components play major roles in the plot. The Lottery, like every folk tale, has a moral, and a meaning that we can all learn from. The story begins on the morning of June 27th. It was a bright, fragrant summer day. The small town gathered to execute the lottery around 10 A.M., in the town square. The school children showed up first and began to collect and play with…show more content…
Hutchinson shows up late, claiming she forgot that today was the day of the lottery. Then the ritual continued, first by finding out who wasn’t present. Mr. Summers began to read off each family’s last name and the man of the family proceeded to go and draw for their family. While Mr. Summers was calling out names, Old Man Warner was introduced, and gives his opinion about people in different villages giving up the lottery. He coined the phrase “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon”. After all the names were drawn, the village began to look at their strips of paper, to find out who drew the slip with the dot on it. Shortly, they became to the conclusion that Bill Hutchinson drew the slip of paper. This result upsetted Mrs. Hutchinson very much, so she proceeded to claim that Mr. Summers did not give Bill Hutchinson enough time to choose the slip he wanted, and that it wasn’t fair. Since Bill drew the slip, his whole family had to now draw according to the rituals. So, Mr. Summers asked if there was any other people in the household other than them, and greedily, Mrs. Hutchinson threw some of her family members under the bus, such as Don and Eva. After that, Mr. Summers reentered the slip into the box along with 6 others. Then the Hutchinson family all

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