The Importance Of Millennials

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Adulthood On Hold Experts from the field of psychology have been discussing and wondering for several years the reasons why Millennials, people born between 1982 and 2004, are having a hard time trying to become successfully independent. They have observed that, every year, young people are taking longer to leave their parents’ home and become both emotionally and economically detached from their parents. Thanks to their investigation, psychologists have discovered some of the individual internal factors that can explain why Millennials suffer from this issue. Some of these factors are: lack of self-confidence, fear of failure and not finding full-time happiness. On the other hand, there are other factors, which are closely related to parental…show more content…
Within this type of factors, we can observe that young people nowadays are emotionally attached to their parents, they always depend on instant feedback and gratification, and they are extremely sensitive to criticism. Some experts strongly argue that these factors are a byproduct of their parents’ excessive care. This is the case of some of the examples described in the articles “How to Land Your Kid in Therapy” by Lori Gottlieb, and “The Beat (Up) Generation” by Abby Ellin. It cannot be denied the fact that there are some internal conflicts and insecurities of the young adults themselves that explain some of these Millennials’ characteristics. Yet, there are some attitudes and behaviors from parents that highly negatively influence their children’s independence development. Internal conflicts and insecurities are an undeniable source of some of the characteristics of the Millennials. Studies carried out in The National Institute of Mental Health prove that people's brain keeps developing until they reach the age…show more content…
They make extra efforts trying to be as supportive as they can, and even though they mean well, they end up overprotecting their children and becoming what we know as helicopter parents; parents that have no limits when it comes to their kids’ needs. This type of attitude from parents has a great impact on their children’s personality when they have to face adulthood. They become emotionally attached to their parents, they dependent on instant feedback and gratification, and they are extremely sensitive to criticism. A baby’s arrival does not only bring joy and excitement to the family, but also many challenges. The members of the generation of people known as ‘Millennials’ according to Abby Ellin, have been raised in a different social and cultural environment from that in which their parents were brought up. Millenials’ parents, as all parents do, have good intentions: protect their kids from danger and, at the same time, guarantee their children’s future success. But what happens when these intentions backfire? Protective parents need to know their children are safe, their needs fulfilled and their hearts filled with happiness. Yet, this need may sometimes lead them to overprotect their children, so that they do not suffer about anything. As the kids grow up, said overprotection and pampering often make the children emotionally attached to their parents. Later on, this relationship
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