The Importance Of Losing Self In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Losing self ‘“We are one in all and all in one. there are no men but only the great WE, one, indivisible and forever”’ (Rand,19). Those words are stained in the minds of individuals in this society, except that there are no individuals existing in this dystopian society. In the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, the people constantly feel the pressure to be obedient, promote drudgery, and instilling fear throughout the brains. Brainwashing is the choice of weapon to control and maintain the people from being individuals. All of this is possible because the council, the controlling government entity of the Anthem society put their children of this world into non free thinking schools and teach them to only think of their “brothers.” There are no individuals in this impotent society. The most saddening part is these people do not even know they can think, feel, and love for themselves. With each passing day, their lives become more and more invaluable because of the drudgery that these human beings go through daily. Every single person starts working at the age of 5, and they don’t stop working until age 40. The council literally works and beats down those people on purpose to contain…show more content…
Every single person in this society doesn’t have the sense or know-how to think for his or herself. Except for the very few, rare individuals. Equality was one of them. Equality is the social leper who isn’t afraid to push the limits, who isn’t afraid to be himself. Thats why he’s attracted to Liberty, she isn’t afraid and she is attracted to him also because he isn’t afraid. That is why these two are Ayn Rand’s heroes in this novel because they don’t fear anything. Equality is the epitome of an individual which even more makes him displaced in this shunning world. For example, the council gave him the job as a street sweeper and those in the the street sweeper house are so afraid they don’t even speak to each other at

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