The Importance Of Family Therapy

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a behavior or work through impeding thought patters and effect change (Cuijpers et al., 2013). The psychotherapy approach acts as a guide for therapist in the process of understanding clients and their problems to support them in developing solutions (APA, n.d). There are different approaches to psychotherapy, however, many therapists don't solely practice any one approach. Instead, they blend components from different approaches and tailor their treatment according to each client's needs (APA, n.d). Problems with marked improvement by psychotherapy include, but are not limited to, difficulties coping with daily life, trauma, mental illness or loss, and specific mental disorders like depression…show more content…
With family therapy the interactions are seen as occurring in a system, not only will the therapist work to support the father and child’s interactions, they can also work in a group including other family members that may be a part of the process (Risely, 2010). Efforts to restore relationships may be rather complex, which is why this form of treatment can be beneficial to both the father and child’s healing process. According to (Smyth, 2004) through the process of psychotherapy fathers will be instilled with skills to enhance response to their children and improve communication (Smyth 2004). According to the American Psychological Association (2016), about 75% of people who received psychotherapy have shown benefit of its effectiveness. Karlsson (2011) found that there are marked improvement in emotions and behaviors also lined with positive changes in the brain and body. Researchers have been able to observe changes in the brain of a person who has undergone psychotherapy and noted that changes occur similar to those resulting from medication (Karlsson, 2011). Conclusion While father absence has been associated…show more content…
The focus on fathers does not minimize the vital role mother’s also play, each parent brings unique qualities to the parent-child relationship, and the child’s life is enriched by involvement with parents with differing styles, backgrounds and values (Lee & Bax, 2000). According to King & Fletcher (2007), from the child’s perspective, every child has a biological father whether he is present, absent or even deceased. It was also noted that children have a natural curiosity about their father because it leads to answers about who they are and why they look, feel, think and behave as they do. Children need connections with their father as well as other family members to understand and value their own existence (Lea & Bax, 2000). Despite the amount of data that researchers have compiled regarding the consequences of father absence and the benefits of father involvement for children, there are still some who are not convinced about how vital a father’s active role is to children. It has been noted that many believe that family structure doesn’t really matter, as long as children are cared for and loved by someone, anyone (NCF, 2015). However, research clearly indicates the importance of the father’s active role, indicated
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