The Importance Of Drutrition In Nutrition

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Food and nutrition play an important role in our health, if our food was healthy and balanced it will keep us safe from several diseases, and here where the Registered dietitian plays an important role to guide people to be healthy and free from illnesses. Clinical nutrition can be the foundation for career opportunities in areas, such as clinical dietetics, food and nutrition management, education and research, consult and private practice, business and industry, media, and international food organizations. (1) In Saudi Arabia most of graduated clinical nutrition students had a job in hospitals, So, we searched to find the available positions we can work in here in Saudi Arabia. We found different job opportunities, mostly in hospitals.…show more content…
• Provide and update diet instructions. • Maintains knowledge of current developments and updates in clinical nutrition and acts as a resource person to dietitians in the specialty area and other health care professionals. • Finish the Clinical Continuing Education requirements. • Educate the community about nutrition importance. • Starts and supports clinical research activities. • Follow all hospital-related policies and procedures. (2) Second, Food Nutritionist/Food Quality Inspector job in Toasted Jeddah, the responsibilities weren’t defined but the required skills were clear and the salary was open for discussion. (3) Third, we found a job in a wholesale and retail company located in Alkhobar, the job description was: • Studying how the body's functions are affected by nutrient supply. • Investigating the relationship between nutrients and the genes. • Studying how diet affects the metabolism. • Examining the nourishment process and the relationship between diet, health and disease. • Provide health advice and encourage healthy eating. • Educating about special…show more content…
• Supervise all plant quality assurance and food safety programs, maintain and improve the HACCP, SSOP and QCCP Programs. • Start project related to product quality and food safety and participate in plant personnel training. • Liaise with the local DM/Baladia on regulatory problems affecting plant processes. • Communicate and coordinate effectively with functional group, on quality and process control related projects and issues. • Establish finished goods quality standards, screen down-graded product and work with Manufacturing to decrease them to appropriate levels. • Analyze product quality related data and creat projects for quality improvement with Process Systems, and Manufacturing. • Coordinate quality improvement projects with all teams. • Initiate successful actions and preserve measurable improvement on the Quality Assurance Processed Based Leadership. (5) Last position is in the academic field, we asked two teaching assistants Ms.Noor and Ms.Nehal about the academic job, their responsibilities were defined to them orally and it includes: Teaching the practical part of the curriculum, discussion with the students, prepare the exams, provide the lecture if the coordinator can’t do it and help the head of the department in administrative

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