The Importance Of Corporate Strategies

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A corporate strategies are the development of a company or industries to figure out in which a firm competes. (Scott Gallagher, 2013) It involves in the entire organization. Corporate strategies also help an organization or a company to ensure their long-term advantages and make sure all the businesses in an organization or a company are profitable and align with the goals, objective, visions and missions of the organization or the company. Corporate strategies can be explained in more detailed way in terms of corporate business’s path, corporate competitive scopes and management of corporate businesses. 7.1.1 CORPORATE BUSINESS’S PATH Corporate business’s path is about setting the goals, objectives, visions and missions of an organization…show more content…
Strategies of product innovations are the strategies of an organization or a company to do improvement and innovations on their products or services to improve the quality and attractiveness of their products or services. Saudee Group Berhad can partner up with raw material suppliers in order to obtain a more quality supplies and save costs. Besides that, Saudee Group Berhad also can partner up with other companies from food industry to develop new products as well. 7.3 FUNCTIONAL STRATEGIES Functional strategies of a company are make functional strategies and business strategies that made by top level management into action. (Xin Jiang, 2009) In an organization structure, there will have several department which is marketing, research & development (R&D), human resource (HR), operation, finance and others department. Organization structure will be build based on company’s need. Some company may have a slightly different in the organization structure. Each functional area will have specific role in the whole organization. Every department are work as a whole and they are interrelated to each other. 7.3.1…show more content…
It can expose product of Saudee Group Berhad to more people. Saudee Group Berhad can set sampling booth, let customer taste it and attract them to buy it. Next, Saudee Group Berhad may aim for local kiosk, food truck and restaurant as customer. The exposure of this strategy is very high. Ramly is a good example for this marketing strategy. We can see Ramly at street burger kiosk everywhere. In addition, food truck is getting popular in Malaysia. The most common and effective marketing strategy is promoting via internet media such as Facebook, Instagram. Saudee Group Berhad had setting up page which is named “SaudiGold” in Facebook to interact with their customers and spread latest news and information of Saudee Group Berhad. Saudee Group Berhad may do some promotion such as lucky draw contest to attract more internet user participate for it. The power of spreading news by internet is strong, it is fast and easy, most important is save
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