The Fog Of Wars Ethics

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War and ethics are the forefront of the American political system, as a month rarely passes when the public is not engaged by new revelations of misbehavior resulting from corruption in the political system. Systematically the ambiance of war and ethics are conveyed throughout American politics, as its injustice actions of political camaraderie, are exemplified through Americas pursuit of power and political dominance. American ethics and political influence can be outlined throughout the film, “The Fog Of Wars.” The film provides an analytical perspective of the ethics of war through the eyes of the former Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara. The film provides an insider view of seminal events of the 20th century, depicted through various…show more content…
McNamara had learned throughout his experience from being the Secretary of Defense. The eleven lessons are deeply rooted throughout the American political system, as the strategies and ideas, and have been applied to the Iraq war. The lesson of “empathising with your enemies”, is strongly correlated to the Iraq war in its inability of America to understand the enemy. A quote from Robert McNamara states, “the government failed to understand our enemy, but more importantly we failed to communicate with the leader we want to destroy”. In the case of the mission in Iraq, the American and Iraqi governments failed to understand each other, and failed to communicate, which resulted in mass retaliation and escalation against each other. The American government did not empathize with the people of Iraq, and their experiences living amongst the destruction of war. The army went in without any understanding of their enemy, and entered the country with the expectation that they would not be retaliated against; with no respect for the people they were terrorizing. The lack of communication and empathy between the two forces will only further result in hatred and harm. In this case, this lesson of empathizing with the enemy was not applied to the war in…show more content…
Data collection gives policy makers and war generals an understanding of the situation in the warzone, and helps to influence their decision-making. By looking at key statistics, one of the key pieces of data, collected through Central Intelligence, which was later proven to be incorrect, was the assumption that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction. The American government used both unproven and injustice allegations to launch the unprovoked invasion in Iraq, as they had claimed that Iraq was harbouring nuclear weapons. Throughout the Iraq war the American government made various advancements to help gather Intel of the entities of Iraq. To help clearly classify the distinction between allies and enemies, the government had developed, biometric scanners. The scanners articulated by the logic of digital technology, as the American’s were able to accumulate a large database of Intel on Iraq civilians. The central idea of, “gather data”, was applied to the war, as the American Government was able create a large database of information in regards to Iraq and its civilians, to help restrict the movement of dangerous

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