The Effects Of Teratogen, Xenobiotic, And Carcinogen On The Environment

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Teratogen, xenobiotic, and carcinogen are hazards to the people and environment. First, Teratogen is a drug or chemical toxic substance that causes birth defects in the embryo. For examples, during the first few weeks and months of a pregnancy you have to be extremely careful for radiation and drugs such as painkillers because these can cause birth defects. Second, xenobiotic are “chemical substances that are foreign to the biological system” (Friis, 2010, p.51). An example of xenobiotic is synthetic pesticides. However, in “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson they used DDT to kill the mosquitoes and they did not know that this synthetic pesticide was a hazard to the people and environment. Lastly, carcinogen is a substance/chemical or exposure

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