The Dehumanization Of Freedom In George Orwell's 1984

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In a typical society, the abilities to fall in love and engage in sexual activities for pleasure’s sake compose the beauty of autonomy. Freedom of speech represents a privilege of humanity, and the vast majority of citizens in such a society feel safe to at least communicate their concerns with the government. In George Orwell’s 1984, a dictatorial figure known as “Big Brother” and the power-hungry Inner Party create a world of utter paranoia, abolishing these paramount human virtues of love, sex, and freedom of speech in favor of a totalitarian form of socialism called “Ingsoc.” Naturally, the loss of such virtues and the Ingsoc government’s manipulation of the Outer Party strongly suggest the dehumanization of citizens lacking free will. While following Winston Smith’s failed rebellion against Big Brother, Orwell explores Winston’s insecurity with his own thoughts as well as his brutal downfall in the aftermath of a sexual relationship. Both of Winston’s…show more content…
As a member of the working class Outer Party, Winston’s job for the Ministry of Truth literally involved rewriting history. Sensing the manipulation of the government enforced with telescreens and the notorious Thought Police, Winston kept a diary revealing his true anarchistic feelings towards the Inner Party. However, Winston foresaw his diary and rebellious urges eventually translating into his unavoidable demise: “Your worst enemy […] was your nervous system. At any moment the tension inside you was liable to translate itself into some visible symptom” (Orwell 64-65). Without the security of his own thoughts and still pulled by his revolutionary instincts, Winston remained in an awkward state between conformity and mutiny. This combination in addition to his inability to conceal his insubordination ultimately robbed him of his human

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