The Dangerous Myth Of Grade Inflation Summary

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Grade Inflation: Dangerous Myths In Alfie Kohn’s article, “The Dangerous Myth of Grade Inflation,” Kohn stated that, one of the uncertainties about grades that appear to direct towards the alarming signals of grade inflation is that it motivates students (265). Kohn advises that grade-inflation is a characteristic danger to academics and questions the opinions of instructors universally. He clarifies two forms of motivation: intrinsic motivation, in which students are encouraged to learn the values of the subject matter that is being instilled in them, and extrinsic motivation, in which the students are largely driven by receiving the end reward–to obtain an A in the class or look to passing the class with very little efforts (265). It’s…show more content…
The issue with assessing SAT scores founded on scores that are some decades old, is that it does not justify the 200,000 more students who have completed the test since then; spreading the population (Bergmann, 262). Due to these enhanced numbers, once again produces incorrect data that is subjective in support of those who have made accusations of grade inflation. Kohn argues careless elimination of evidence that shows an increase in both verbal and math SAT scores of new students attending Harvard and other prominent universities since 1985; this would more precisely sustain the debate that grades would be logically greater in universities (Bergmann, 262). The American Academy accounts an increase in the quantity of college students succeeding only for corrective courses as well as a boost in the number of states that are contributing to regulated tests and high-school graduation exams (Bergmann, 262-63). In reaction to this data, Kohn underlines that the results of elementary and secondary schools indicate no radical modification in the last twenty years by the National Assessment of Educational, actually if anything there is a prominent growth in the scores (Bergmann, 263). In actuality, Kohn determines…show more content…
They should study and create ideas for the course: “…like slaves of Christ. Doing the will of God from [their] heart…as if [they] were serving the Lord, not men” (Ephesians 6:6-7). Stressing good grades as the primary goal of obtaining an education causes students to exalt a letter instead of the prosperity they would achieve from the education delivered by new found knowledge. Alfie Kohn insists: “A focus on grades invites, or at the minimum maintains, an extrinsic orientation that is likely to challenge the love of learning we are apparently pursuing to encourage” (Bergmann, 265). What we are missing is the extended knowledge for the genuine love of it, and well deserved education that leaves us exhausted and disoriented externally: “Every man is senseless and without knowledge; every goldsmith is shamed by his idols. His images are a fraud; they have no breath in them” (Jeremiah 51:17). What I found the most captivating about the proof that Kohn discovered while examining the legitimacy of grade inflation, was his outcome which stated that when linked to students that were not graded, graded students: “…tend to display less interest in what they are doing, fare worse on meaningful measures of learning, and avoid more challenging task when given the opportunity” (Bergmann 266). Kohn implies that the tale of comments used by educational

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