The Crucible Reputation Analysis

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Simon Chan Mrs. Herman English III Period 3 10. November, 2014 Word Count: 588 Under the Burden of Reputation. In every piece of literature, nearly every character is affected by elements within the storyline. In relevance, factors may range from slight plot twists to the shift of reputation. “The Crucible” written by Arthur Miller, features a constantly shifting character plot. In which each character’s own reputation would be at stake from the words of a traitor. Without realization, many find their actions influenced by fallen reputation. As a result of the tense setting, people will often resort to keeping their distance, in fear of being falsely accused.The characters affected most by reputation included the Reverend Parris, Tituba, and those that were close to Parris A well-known reputation is a necessity for a man of high stature. As a Reverend, Parris would not be at his position without the support from his fellow town citizens. This of course, can be proven without difficulty. For instance, Reverend Parris states that he struggled with…show more content…
Thus, putting the odds against his favor in spite of his reputation. Without his title being upheld in the town of Salem, he would be at square one again. Of the people who contributed to his turmoil, was the prime suspect. The suspect was named Tituba; a slave that came from Barbados and worked for Parris. Unfortunately, Tituba was a person of low status, being from another ethnicity. Even though she is secretly an innocent, no single citizen would believe her claims were of the truth. This can be seen when Tituba plead aloud that she didn’t “compact with no devil” (23 Miller). However Parris wants her to “confess” (23 Miller) for a sin that was never conjured; an unholy action from a holy man. However, the people that should actually be accused would be the accusers that pointed out Tituba in the first

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