The Crucible Political Analysis

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Marcellus Benton Mrs.Minor English 3 26 September 2015 The Crucible: Religion and Politics The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, was written in the early 1950s during a period after World War II where the American government became paranoid of the spread of communism from the Soviet Union. These political ties can be seen within The Crucible, where the community of Salem became paranoid of the spread of witchery and the effect that had on their community. Due to these hysterias the American government began to implemented several committees and investigations to identify and prevent any communist cells. The most notable display of lunacy and fear of the communist movement was lead by Senator John Mccarthy who developed a list…show more content…
Rather than suffer severe punishment for their actions, the girls accuse the other inhabitants of the town, Salem, for practicing witchcraft, which is ironic because the girls got out of being punished by accusing others of the crime they were guilty of. As a result, this caused the citizens of Salem to go in a mass state of paranoia and fear in the atmosphere where everyone in Salem could be a potential witch, which caused the number of arrests to increase and the community losing their trust in one another. By the end of 1692, the Salem Court convicted and executed nineteen men and women for the assumption of practicing…show more content…
The two subjects were also two of the many themes in the story that affected the plot of the play and why Miller wrote the play in the first place. In the play, religion became the basis for legislation which influenced political decision or better yet justified political decision. In theory, despite the separation of church and state religion and politics are commonly known to actually work together believe it or not. Look at the religious impact behind the civil rights movement how religious leaders fought to obtain political systemic change despite the religious extremist in the south or hidden in northern and western communities. How ironic is that even after The Crucible release in 1953 that the civil rights movement took mainstream visibility in 1954. Did Miller have his ear to the ground about the McCarthyism and The Civil Rights Movement? The Crucible had many themes that put the plot together, but two of the biggest ones were religion and

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