The Controversy Of Participation In The Special Olympics

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Everyone deserves a chance to make their dreams come true. The Special Olympics has been around for about 47 years, so almost half of a century has been dedicated to handicapped people in pursuing their dreams. The first Special Olympics were held in Chicago, Illinois; one thousand people participated in this special event. Throughout the years, the Special Olympics has become more recognized around the world and the events are becoming more common. Within the Special Olympics, there is controversy regarding research, segregation, and integration in recreational settings. The first controversy with the Special Olympics is research. According to MacLean, “Although there have been reports that participation in Special Olympics is associated with increased physical and motor skills” (MacLean). Adults with mild to moderate disability, face some risk factors. Some of the risk factors include high blood pressure, fat intake and other factors. James Haskins has a similar quote regarding risk factors among the disabled;” […] this research has clearly established that the primary reason for lack of physical proficiency among the retarded was lack of opportunity for physical activity” (Haskins). Students who have a…show more content…
According to Keith Storey,” Despite decades of research, advocacy, and program development, most adults with severe disabilities live lives of segregation” (Storey). Most of this segregation occurs in recreational settings. The Special Olympics is really a segregated event. Storey has another great example of segregation in the Special Olympics, “Several factors have been suggested to explain why this segregation in recreational settings occurs; for example, funding, lack of integrated services, lack of individual skills and lack of appropriate support” (Storey). Back in the 1968, they had programs for the segregated people that were disabled and other integrated programs for the

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