The Chainsaw Massacre Research Paper

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The Chainsaw Massacre Films Movies have been remade over the years, with technology and all the new types of sources there are today. It was easy to decide which one is the best. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the most popular movies in history. It has been remade from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre of 1974 to the Texas chainsaw Massacre of 2013. In the film of 1974 the story is based on a guy whose grandfather left him a house deep in the nowhere. Close to that house there was another building and someone lived there. It was a man who everyone called Leather Face. The director of this movie is Tobe Hooper. The stars of this movie are: Marilyn burns, Allen Danziger, Teri Mcminn and Gunnar Hansen as the leather face. In the movie of…show more content…
In the movie of 1974 one of the staring scenes consists of the group of friends driving an old van on their way to Franklin's grandfather’s house. But most of the time, the camera only focuses on inside the van there is no details of what else is going on besides of the group talking and talking most of the way through. Meanwhile in the movie of 2013 while the groups of friends have their road trip the camera focuses in many different angles: inside the van, the road, the places they pass by, and even an armadillo being ran over in the street. It shows many details of the whole trip. In the movie of 1974 the groups of friends pick up a random stranger from the streets whom seem to be a crazy man. Further on in the movie they kick him out of the van for several reasons. But in the movie of 2013 the stranger that has been picked up from the street, is a nice guy who later on got united the group on their road trip. Also during the movie of 1974 when the group arrived to the house, the building was extremely old. When it came to night time it was very difficult to capture anything that was going on between the characters because of the need

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