The Bourgeoisie And Revolution In The Congo Summary

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In this article “The Bourgeoisie and Revolution in the Congo”, the author Georges talks about the affect the anti colonial revolution had on Congolese people and what the masses and their bourgeoisie leaders expected from it. He also talks about the analysis of social classes during the Revolution and the affect it had on the Congolese society. The purpose of this is for the reader to fully understand the intermediary role that the bourgeoisie played and also the importance of this role and position that it played in the success of the bourgeoisie revolution. Marx’s theory of social classes is also presented throughout the article. In the first part of the article it states that “The theory of social classes is one of the weakest and the…show more content…
The state, the companies, and the missions worked together in the development of merchant capitalism and how the biggest outcome in that development was the creation of petite bourgeoisie. The role they played in the Congo determined the conditions of class. After the author talks about Congo he goes back to talking about Marx theory of social classes and how people may share the same interests, values, and attitudes of some group without feeling like they have to join them in the struggle against other groups. Marx believes that there had to be some sort of commitment to a movement for it to work. Georges points out that “what happens in many areas of the world is that the ruling class manages to stay united, while the subject classes fight among each other.” I thought that was a great way to describe…show more content…
It was the most privileged class. A guy named Comeliau’s made five social categories. At the top was the Bourgeoisie which was politicians, entrepreneurs, wealthy traders, etc. Below that was the Sous-bourgeoisie which was people that worked as clerks, teachers, nurses, soldiers, policemen. Then went the traders and other independents, urban workers, agricultural workers, peasants, and lastly the unemployed. The first two groups were the ones that gained the most independence, the three other social classes that constituted the mass of the Congolese’s Population were becoming aware of the fact that they weren’t really important in this society. The national bourgeoisie was the only class that succeeded in gaining political

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