The American Revolution: How Revolutionary Was It?

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How Revolutionary Was It? The American Revolution, or more commonly known as the revolutionary war was a battle between the 13 colonies of the United States, against Great Britain who had so long before been their mother country (Britannica, 2014). This essay will be explaining how revolutionary the American Revolution was. It will also be addressing the political, economic and social changes that it brought upon America, as well as what stayed the same. The American Revolution was very revolutionary because the colonists gained there freedom, there were also many political changes that occurred such as the democracy, the economic changes were that they had to figure out who was loyalist and who was patriot, as well as many social changes…show more content…
One of those details was that they had finally gained their freedom from their oppressor. They had so long been held down by Britain. The British crown had tried so hard to assert greater control over the colonial affairs and had just pushed them further and further to a breaking point by doing this. One of the restrictions that caused the colonies to crack was the Stamp Act. The Stamp act was a law that said all colonies prints such as books, newspapers, pamphlets, cards, and almanacs must have a stamp placed on them which coasted money. Little did they know that this would just bring on a revolt by the colonists. The Molasses Act: This was another act imposed by the British to gain money from the colonies. The act stated that there was to be a tax on any molasses, sugar, or rum that did not come directly from Britain. According to “The Molasses Act was among the least effective of the British Navigation acts, since it was largely circumvented through smuggling.” (Britannica School,…show more content…
It’s not like after the revolution you would change your occupations from a dentist to a carpenter. You were still the same person that you were before the revolution as you are now. The same thing happened with jobs. You had the same job before the revolution as you do now. It’s what you are good at and it’s what you were going to stay doing. Also not very many people moved around. You still lived in the same place you did before the revolution as you do now. Granted there were some people, who had fled for safety during the war, or there were people who had to move to find a job and to find somewhere that hadn’t been destroyed in battle, but for the most part, you stayed where you were at. The American Revolution was a time of war and a time of uncertainty between people. There were many lives lost in battle and at the end of it all there was a great victory because people were finally free. The American Revolution was very revolutionary because of this gigantic victory from England. There was much freedom from taxation and people finally had a voice. The political changes were much needed because they couldn’t go back to having a monarchy or else history would repeat itself, so instead they chose democracy and a brilliant leader. The colonists had to use methods of trial and error to figure out the best ways to support themselves since they no longer had the
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