Examples Of Fear In A Doll's House

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Courage And Fear Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one, and fear is(enter definition). In the beginning of both short stories it is seen that Nora and Michael have some sort of fear that is controlling their lives in the beginning. In the short story A Doll’s House by (enter author) Nora is a wife who is afraid of telling her husband, Torvald her secret because she fears her perfect life will come to an end. In the short story A Test Of Courage by(enter author)….A boy by the name of Michael has the fear of getting caught and taking the lead. Going through life living in fear, Nora and Michael both finally confront their fears and courage by facing their partner, and going through obstacles. In the short story A Doll’s…show more content…
In the beginning Nora is afraid of confronting her husband, Torvald as it is seen that she plans to run away to prevent having to face Torvald, and tell him the secret of how she forged her father’s name, and borrowed money. Two of which things Torvald despises very much. Nora has the fear of what Torvald will do to her, even though she has the right intentions in heart. Nora finally confronts her husband and gains courage, after Torvald says all is forgiven, and everything can go back to normal after they have found out her secret will not be exposed to the public, even though he said horrible things to her before. Nora realizes that her marriage is not what she thought it was, and so in that moment she gains the courage to leave her entire life behind, and leave her husband Torvald. Nora must do what is right for her, even if that means losing her kids, and going out into the world with nothing. Her whole entire life was based on her being a doll for her father, and later on her husband, and finally she takes a stand. No more will she be someone else’s property, and in the end she confronts her fear and gains the courage to leave her

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