Temptation In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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Temptation can be described as the most luring emotion that is expressed, it makes us question how badly the consequences will hurt us in the future. Majority of us have encountered temptation at least once in our lives. Whether it be about something minor or significant, the aftermath has an impact on all of us. In the Scarlet Letter these consequences lead to momentous difficulty than expected. Throughout The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Dimmesdale often finds a way back to Hester, begging her to help relieve the stress that their sin has caused. Dimmesdale’s actions reveal his true self, a coward. Unlike Arthur Dimmesdale, Hester handles the situation by acknowledging her sin and learning from the consequences that have occurred because of it. Furthermore, her benevolent attitude is displayed when she tends to the poor, providing them with clothing. As Hester learns to move on from the mistakes she has made, Dimmesdale’s guilt consumes him and attacks him both mentally and psychically. As shown many times throughout the novel, Hester is Dimmesdale’s only source of strength and encouragement to forgive himself from the sin he has committed. At the very beginning of the book, Hester stands on the scaffold and is shamed upon the people due to her sin of…show more content…
In the middle of the night, Dimmesdale has a strange urge to go out to the scaffold and admit his sin. He tries to admit his wrongdoing in the dark of the night because no one can notice him or hear him, even though his intentions are the exact opposite. “And there stood the minister, with his hand over his heart; and Hester Prynne, with the embroidered symbol, and the connecting link between these two” (Hawthorne 140). This quote explains how Hester's presence is helpful and calming to him, even without communicating with her. This scene exhibits his dismay in facing the consequences of his

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