Temple Grandin

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Temple Grandin, a brilliant woman with autism and a special interest in animal science, talks through many of her greatest accomplishments in her autobiography, Thinking in Pictures. It could be said that the book is, in itself, a major contribution to society. Grandin offers unique insight into different ways people perceive the world around them and the complex reality of autism spectrum disorders. Her writing is particularly effective in the way that it integrates her personal life experiences and intellectual observations with relatable examples and scientific research. Grandin speculates from multiple viewpoints outside of her own to communicate with and reach to a wider audience. Overall, the book is a positive reflection on one woman’s difficult, yet highly valued, journey with autism.…show more content…
She struggled to understand the complex emotions involved in interpersonal relationships. Although she does mention having a few friends who shared similar interests with her, Grandin mainly viewed friendships as revolving around what she did rather than who she was. Additionally, when the author hit puberty, she began experiencing intense fear and anxiety. This led her to create one of her most pivotal inventions, the hug machine, which she used to alleviate her anxiety through applied pressure. Temple Grandin’s frequent anxiety attacks continued to be a major issue for her up until her mid-thirties. She explains that her severe anxiety was due to hyperaroused state of her nervous system—the slightest sound set her off and sent her into full-on panic mode. Grandin could not use creative problem solving or coping mechanisms to stop the intense reactions and resorted to biochemistry. Finding the right drugs in the appropriate dosage was a huge success for the author, although she is careful to mention medication should never be the sole treatment method for

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