Task Analysis: Needs Assessment

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Part A Needs assessment involves organization, person and task analysis. The analysis I believe is the most important is person analysis because this helps to recognize who needs training or whether there is a need for training. However, person analysis helps to establish employee readiness for training by whether employees have the personal characteristics such as motivation, attitudes or ability that is needed to insure they master the content of the training program. As well as, the work environment that will facilitate the learning that will not interfere with the performance. In addition, this process not only includes evaluating employee’s characteristics but their input, output, consequences and feedback as well. Task analysis is the…show more content…
I just want a training program to teach employees how to give good customer service. My explanation to my boss on how “good customer service can be translated into different learning outcomes by identifying the types of learning that he or she is interested in that will allow him to create training objectives to help employees understand why they need training and what they need to learn. However, in order for the training to be successful there should be clear and concise objectives to avoid being translated into different learning…show more content…
The designs features I would include in a customer service training program to ensure that transfer of training occurred are: (1) By teaching general concepts, broad principles or key behaviours. (2) Create general principles that can apply to greater set of context than those presented in a training session. (3) Provide a list of prompts or questions to help trigger thoughts and questions. A curriculum road map is a design showing all of the courses in a curriculum, the paths that learners can take through it and the sequences in which courses have to be completed. There are five (5) steps that is used to develop and design detailed courses such as: (1) A brief statement of the course, including why the course is important. (2) The prerequisite skills that will be needed for the course. (3) The learning objectives or competencies that will be covered by the course and supporting objectives. (4) The format in which the content and course expectations may follow. (5) The delivery method of the content whether it may be online or classroom. A curriculum road map is important because the realistic information about the curriculum is that the learner’s encounters are essential for educated decision making. A combination of a curriculum road map is about vertical planning as well as horizontal planning. Without a context for looking at students' experiences over time, this can make isolated decisions. Curriculum mapping gives us

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