Tale Of Two Cities Critical Analysis

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“The Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens begins with Mr. Lorry and Lucie Manette traveling to Paris, France in order to rescue Lucie’s father, who has been traumatized by an eighteen year stint in the French Bastille, to the point that he no longer knows his own name or those of anyone he used to know. Fast forward five years, and Monsieur Manette has almost completely recovered his faculties, and has begun to practice as a medical professional again, just in time to testify at a court session where a Mr. Darnay was being charged with treason against England; Lucie’s testimony is so moving to the audience, however, as well as the ingenious of Sydney Carton, the lawyer’s aide, who pointed out the similarities between himself and Darnay,…show more content…
For example, though Dickens skipped over the heartbreak that Lucie must have felt while recovering her father, he chose to pick up the story in a courtroom, with gory imagery and terrifying allusions to the fate awaiting the prisoner if Lucie, Doctor Manette, or Mr. Lorry spoke a wrong word, and the proceedings were recounted with incredibly minute attention to detail, the kind that one would expect from a court stenographer. In fact, while on the subject of trials, Dickens seems to have an infatuation with the detailing of every little thing in the trials in this book, especially in the Darnay’s second trial in Paris, in which the “letter” “found” by Monsieur Defarge was recorded completely in the book, to the extent that the reader begins to wonder whether the people at that trial would believe that a prisoner under constant guard and on the verge of cracking would be able to write such a letter with such precision– precision which can be read in the 10th chapter of Part 3 of the book, which is almost entirely composed of the aforementioned letter. Dickens may enjoy paying attention to details, but the details distracted immensely from the original plot, leading the reader to skip over longer, more repetitive sections and perhaps miss a tiny detail which the entire section was trying to get across, a detail which could have been conveyed in only a few paragraphs, or maybe

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