T Catappa Seeds Oil Lab Report

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Chapter 2 METHODOLOGY Materials The materials used for the preparation of T. catappa seeds oil include: Hammer, G-clamp, stainless bowl, roasted T. catappa seeds, plain sheet, empty bottle, funnel, filter paper, stainless tube and trays. The materials used for the corrosion bath set-up include: Extracted oil from T. catappa seeds, cutter, 1 molar aqueous acetic acid and sulphuric acid, 1 galloon seawater, locally produced iron rods and tin cans, electrical cutter, beakers and transparent jars for the set-ups, graduated cylinders, forceps, trays, distilled water , electronic weighing balance, acetone, stainless bowls and sand papers. Collection of T. catappa Seed Oil The T. catappa seed, were gathered under the talisay trees in the vicinity…show more content…
While a molar solution of acetic acid was prepared by the following computation: Density of acetic acid = 1.05; Purity of acetic acid = 99.9%; and Molarity of acetic acid = (Density x Purity x 1,000) /(Molecular weight x 100) i.e., M = (1.05x99.9 x 1,000) / (99.9 x 100) = 10.5. Using the relationship M1V1 = M2V2, where: M1 = 1; V1 = 1,000; M2 = 10.5; and V2 = unknown, then V2 = M1V1 / M2. Thus, V2 = (1 x 1,000) / 10.5 = 95.24 ml. According to the above calculations, 95.24 ml of concentrated acetic acid was dissolved in 1 liter of distilled water to give the needed 1 molar aqueous solution of acetic acid (Ademoh, 2012). Corrosion Bath…show more content…
catappa seed oil corresponding to 0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 2% of weight of the solution in a beaker. Where 0% serves as a controlled variable and 0.5%, 1%, and 2% indicates the independent variable (Nuhu Ali Ademoh, 2012). Weight Loss Method A weight loss method described by Mattsson (1989) was adapted to measure the corrosion rates of the specimens for 48 hours (2 days) of experiment. Using a timer, each specimen was removed from the corrosion bath after 48 hours (2 days), thoroughly cleaned, washed with distilled water , degreased with acetone and weighed with the electronic weighing balance , differences in weights between the final and initial weights were computed and recorded as weight losses for a given period (Nuhu Ali Ademoh, 2012). Computation of Corrosion Rate The corrosion rates of each specimen immersed in different solutions were computed from the weight loss obtained from the experiment after 48 hours. Quraishi and Jamal (2000) show that the corrosion rate (CR) in aqueous solutions can be determine using the understated relationship. Based on this, the rate of penetration or material loss of any structural or metallic material can be used to predict the life of that

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