Athena Peromones Case Study

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Athena Pheromones Review - Do They Really Work? Get the Details Here! The role of pheromones in humans and human relationships cannot be overemphasized. The maker of Athena Pheromones claims that they are proven to increase sexual attractiveness. Further search in different internet directories reveals that the owner of these pheromone formulas is known in the pheromone industry. Athena Pheromones are marketed in the maker’s main website of which I found it reviewed in one or two other websites. A glance at some studies about Athena Pheromones given by the products’ owner, it looks like the formulas will leave up to their claims and promises. But we cannot make that inference at the moment. It is necessary we get the products’ information together before making our final decision. This,…show more content…
The product should be stored in a splash-on bottle with a screw top that can be tightly closed. The Benefits are: Attracts Women; Increases Romantic Attention; Contains Human Pheromones; Increases Affection; Increases Self Confidence; Easy to Use. The manufacturer of Athena Pheromones offers combined packs of the products. These include 6-Pak Athena Pheromone 10:13TM for Women, 6-Pak Athena Pheromone 10XTM for Men and Mixed 6-Pak Athena Pheromones. Customer Support/Guarantee Athena pheromones are said to be safe and effective for their intended purposes. This implies that users of the products will not be affected negatively. Dr. Cutler described her research methodology at least one can easily know what to expect from using Athena Pheromones. The manufacturer gave the video formats of everything about the product. This makes the formula more credible. For clarifications or more information, users can call the manufacturer, send emails or use the address in the product’s official

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