Symbols In Poe's The Raven

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In the poem “The Raven”, Poe uses several symbols to take the poem to a complex level. The most obvious symbol is, of course, the raven. Poe decided to use a refrain word that would repeat "Nevermore," he found that it would be most useful if he used a non-reasoning creature to utter the word (Hallqvist). It would make minute sense to use a person, since the person could have reason to the questions. Even with the illustration of self-torture to which the narrator exposes himself, Poe decided to use a refrain word that would repeat because refrain that one word nevermore and "the raven" it is important that the answer to the questions are already known. The raven illustrates the self-torture to which the narrator exposes himself. Another symbol…show more content…
Midnight referrers to the witching hour and the darkest part of night, midnight are more than a number on the clock. Poe chooses this as the time for the bird's arrival. Both midnight and December, symbolize an end of something, and also the anticipation of something new, a change, to happen. The midnight in December is really is New Year’s eve, a date most of us connect with change (Poe's Poetry). December is a time where nothing is living, so December symbolizes death awhile. Many of the scary things our narrator faces on this crazy night have to do with what natural world order is life and death. He imagines unfriendly forces all around him, surrounding his peaceful room, just waiting to break in. The dark night, the sound of the wind, they are all threatening in some eyes because of the unknown sounds. Soon the outside does break in to the room in the form of a talkative bird…show more content…
At the least most of us would, we think it pretty much the most supernatural thing we have seen in our lives. The narrator thinks a lot about the raven whether it's some kind of demon, or maybe even a prophet. The narrator keeps quoting the raven saying, “Nevermore” he thinks that the bird is tell him “This is it nothing more, but darkness”. The narrator badly looking for a way to detach the pain he is feeling of his lost love on by using a drug call Nepenthe, the drug used to help one reach oblivion. The saying "Night's Plutonian Shore" unites with death as well. The roman god name Pluto and he’s the god of the underworld. His shore would be the underworld, add that with night a very common symbol for death or nothing. The shore represented as this vast ocean with nothing but mysteries of unknown things
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