Summary Of The Cinema Of Attraction

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Gunning, Tom. "The Cinema of Attraction[s]: Early Film, Its Spectator, and the Avant- Garde." Wide Angle, vol. 8, no. 3-4, 1986, pp.63-70. In "The Cinema of Attraction[s]…" we as readers get to take a deeper look into the history of cinema, and what methods were used when trying to draw the attention of the audience. Looking at how cinema is now and how it was in its early days, there is a distinct difference between how the pictures and stories are portrayed. In films that we see now, there is a narrator quality, storytelling, that is used to create a story for the viewers. There are dynamic casts, an in-depth plot, a specific setting, and of course, the image and sound quality is much more advanced that what it used to be. All…show more content…
In early cinema, film was very gendered. Through their own artistic ways, filmmakers used their filming features, such as camera placement and zoom, to more clearly picture the message of the film. More often than not, women were the "objects" of these films, which was shown by the male gaze. Because of this, women were looked on as a distraction in cinema, not able to be a part of a role that was a solid, dynamic role, but that of a sidekick to her male counterpart. The men did not carry out this air of distraction, which means they were most likely seen as the main attraction of the film. It was thought that men were not at the core of sexual objectification; that women were present in film to satisfy the male's fantasy and to create sexual tension as to attract viewers. Because of the women's lack of male's features, all they were used for was an attractive icon for the men to gaze upon. Acts of obsessive and erotic nature are tangled into these plots for satisfaction and the wow factor of these…show more content…
Studies were done with different film clips, mostly containing seemly scary content for young viewers, to see what effects it would have on them. When children experienced something that was scary to them, they reacted with "stimuli blocking" or covering up their eyes, plugging their ears, or blocking their senses in one way or another. These frightful clips effected the children psychologically as could be seen from the results and correlated with how well these children got along with their parents, as their parents were with them throughout the study. The children that had a low-quality relationship with their parents were much more fearful viewing the clips. Through this journal article, it is seen that television and films can be the gateway into understanding where children stand in their parental

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