Summary Of John F Kennedy's Inaugural Address

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Inaugural Speeches: John F Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln John F Kennedy began his inauguration speech by taking an oath and appreciating the celebration of freedom that signified the change and a new beginning. In the same speech, the president was keen to highlight some of his objectives by giving reasons for pursuing them. It is critical that President Kennedy gave the speech 20th of January 1961 (Balmer, p. 609). As aforementioned, President John F Kennedy focused on the goals to pursue. He stated that the belief that human freedom comes not from man but from God (Suter, p.42). The president also acknowledged the history of the country by mentioning Americans had inherited a history of war that disciplined them to appreciate peace. It is imperative that President Kennedy also preached a message of unity among Americans. This paper summarizes the two speeches from President John F Kennedy and President Abraham Lincoln.…show more content…
This was done by pledging friendship to friendly Countries to America. The President also encouraged Americans to remain united. Additional pledges made by President Kennedy include a promise to assist poor nations become stable, fight tyranny by assisting neighbor countries to resist aggression, and encouraged their enemies to promote peace with America (Suter, p.44). This was done using a moving speech. For instance, the president said civility does not imply weakness and sincerity is subject to proof (Balmer, p.610). To Americans the president asked them to think of how they could benefit America and not how America could benefit them. In Short, President Kennedy preached a message of peace Americans and other nations. He also promised to assists countries that shared the American

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