Summary Of Andrew Sullivan's Legalization Of Gay Marriage

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Conservatives, by social identity, are opposed to any radical change. Liberals, by social identity, are more flexible when it comes to radical change yet not completely behind a central goal. Andrew Sullivan introduces the legalization of gay marriage as a step forward in the chapter of humanity. He acts as the voice of reason for the people that are teetering on a decision trying to guilt and reason with them to choosing the “morally right” decision. Sullivan, a homosexual himself, is defending the right to gay marriage by using logic based reasoning to start off the excerpt that we covered from his book on the subject matter. Starting his argument from a logical standpoint to draw the reader into his argument, either agreeing or disagreeing, makes the reader actually read his paper and see his ideas, this stemming from the simple fact, everyone can relate to logic. When Sullivan states that “But perhaps surprisingly, . . . one of the strongest arguments for gay marriage is a conservative one,” he shows the reader that there is a contradiction in the conservative way of thinking. This allows Sullivan to do two things, first he is able to stretch out to the “teetering” conservatives and liberals or conservative liberals and shows them an issue from a different view point and the hole it creates…show more content…
With the reader drawn into the argument he uses a strong, emotional connection that anyone with a heart couldn’t refuse to hit home and drive his view across, the connection being children. He explains that by legalizing gay marriage it would create a “template” for future generations of homosexuals and how they should act on their feelings. He talks about how children will be able to feel accepted and acknowledged, not ostracized and

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