Summary: Functional Brain Imaging

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In today’s generation, things are changing drastically with how many different sources of technology and social media there are. Often when there is a unique finding or something that can be blown up on the news, it’s made very dramatic and something you don’t know you can always rely on for accurate facts. Specifically, functional brain imaging findings are often over exaggerated on social media coverage. It is really important that we know we have our facts straight after reading or watching these types of things. “NeuroImage: Clinical functional brain imaging studies of youth depression”, is an article that focuses on the human brain and what is has to do with youth and adult depression. MDD (major depressive disorder) is a very severe illness in all parts of the…show more content…
They have explained in this article that depression is not just a certain part of the brain, but many parts of the brain put together. They experimented with many different studies and found that it’s different for all ages, gender, or even genetics that causes them depression. For example a study was done on MDD using different faces to get an emotional reaction from someone. Doing this activated the limbic system of the brain and has proved to antagonize depression related actions. To be able to see what parts of the brain are actually being used we have whats called Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). It is an imaging technique that was done in this study. fMRI is an imaging device that looks at the blood flow in the brain and detects areas of activity. It takes a picture, using large magnets and produces the shot lighting up where there is increased blood flow. They focused on five functional imaging domains such as emotion processing, cognitive control, affective cognition, reward processing, and resting- state functional connectivity

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