Lotus-Eaters In Homer's Odyssey

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On the journey back to Ithaca, Odysseus and his men had stopped at many different islands. The first of these places was the city of Cicones. The men attacked the city and destroyed it which made Zeus very mad. As a result, another storm was created and blew Odysseus even further off track sending him into the realm of witches, monsters, and the dead. After this second storm, the first stop was on the land of the Lotus-eaters. Lotus-eaters are described as “[…] a people who created food and drink from flowers, but with a drug effect” (Mabey). When adventurers ate or drank this, they would forget their desire to return home. This is what happened to many men in Odysseus’ crew: They welcomed us all and offered us the honey-sweet fruit of the lotus to eat. Some of my men tasted it, then lost their desire to journey home. […] I grabbed these men by the throats and forced them back to the ships against their will, then ordered all the ships to cast off immediately and row away from that coast. (Freeman 250) Odysseus dragged these men back to the ships. Until they were a safe distance away from the land of the Lotus-eaters, the men who ate…show more content…
The next morning, as Polyphemus was letting his sheep out to pasture, Odysseus told his men to hold on to the underbellies of the sheep. Since the Cyclops could no longer see, he felt the sheep to make sure that it was not a man trying to escape. Polyphemus only felt the top of each animal making it easy for Odysseus and his crew to leave unnoticed. After leaving the cave, Odysseus made the mistake to yell out his real name to taunt the Cyclops. Given this information, Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon, god of the sea, to make Odysseus’ journey even more difficult. Poseidon made Polyphemus’ prayers come true as he was raging with fury of what had been done to his

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