Summary And Figurative Language In Beddor's 'Looking Glass Wars'

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Suspense In the Looking Glass Wars,Beddor uses details and figurative language to reveal Alyss real character In the beginning of the novel,Alyss is characterised as foolish,thick-skulled and rude. She is characterised as foolish , because “Where did you come from?, as she picked up the cat.” (Beddor 34) The reason I say she is foolish is because even though she knows her family is being targeted she still picks up the cat. She lets the cat into the palace , big mistake.She is thick-skulled because “I will just imagine I know everything and I will so you will not have to.” (Beddor 26) She is thick-skulled,because she thinks she could get out of having to learn the rigorous studies that lay in her path.She should just buckle down and learn

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