Summary: A Superhero To The Rescue

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A Superhero to the Rescue Anna Yung, Shina Gabel and J. Holland, in their article, “A Superhero to the Rescue!” investigate the impact of superheroes on men’s lives. There has been no previous research regarding effects of parasocial relationships (PSRs) on men exposed to muscular and non-muscular superheroes. Thus, the research focuses on the consequences of exposure to superheroes’ muscular figures on men’s body image and the regulating role of PSR status. The hypotheses tested were that muscular non-PSR superheroes have a negative effect on the self and that when there is a PSR, these effects on feelings of muscularity would be eradicated, maybe even inverted. Ninety-eight males participated. Their PSR status in terms of Batman and Spider-Man

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