Essay On Raising Minimum Wage

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Minimum Wage To understand why the United States federal minimum wage should be raised one must understand why the minimum wage was created in the first place "no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wage to its workers has any right to continue in the country I mean more than a bear substances level I mean the wage of a decent living" the words of Franklin D Roosevelt after passing the National Industrial Recovery Act in 1933. the United States should raise the federal minimum wage because the value of minimum wage has decreased over the years, raising the federal minimum wage would also help college student working minimum wage jobs pay off student loans and school expenses, finally raising the federal minimum…show more content…
When the federal minimum wage was created in 1933 the goal was for every American to be able to have a decent standard of living educated or uneducated. Often critics of raising the federal minimum wage argues raising the minimum wage would most likely cause unemployment all over the country however that is not true According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1968 when the federal minimum wage was at its all time highest in value at 10.71 unemployment rate average 3.0% and now in 2015 where minimum wage is 3 times less in value at 7.25 unemployment rate over the last 10 months average 5.0%. This proves that raising the federal minimum wage would not affect unemployment. Raising the federal minimum wage would next help student pay student attending college pay off student loans and other school expenses According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics there are about 3 million minimum wage workers in the United States. 20 percent of those 3 million minimum wage workers are ages 16 to 24 and 50% of those workers are full time or part time college students this means raising the minimum wage would benefit college students the most, and proving the notion that minimum wage workers are mostly high school teens

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