Suffering In Crime And Punishment By Fyodor Dostoevsky

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The novel Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, is about how suffering has an essential part of each of the character's role. The message that Dostoevsky is trying to present, is that the main character, Raskolnikov, is suffering in many different ways in his life. The ideas of suffering have a major role throughout the entire novel. The author never lets his main character suffer mentally throughout the novel, in relation to the crime. His only pain is being physical sickness. The protagonist, Raskolnikov tries to resolve the cause of his own suffering, on his own without any help. The majority of his actions leading up to his imprisonment reflect his attempts at achieving his inner peace within himself. This emotion of this drives his every action from the time when he commits the heinous crime until he finally comes as close to peace. The other characters do not react so well to suffering in the novel. Each of the characters is suffering in their own ways. The effect of suffering can be seen through all major characters throughout the novel. These characters react to this unwanted emotion very differently. Dostoevsky explained the concept of suffering in his novel, to develop the plot and advance the conflicts in his characters. All the characters…show more content…
He doesn’t express the idea of pain, which should have arisen from the recurrent visions of the crime. He never remembers the massive amount of blood that was everywhere from the murder, and the look on Lizaveta's face as he brings down the axe on her head. He doesn’t recall the fear in her eyes, as she cried for help. His suffering came from something else, something that’s killing him on the inside. This clearly shows that the crime wasn’t the cause of his suffering or pain; it’s something else that’s bothering him.

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