Stress Definition Essay

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Around two weeks ago, I guess stress took over my life. Little did I know that inevitable fact until this week and especially, until this assignment. I say inevitable because without having a self-care ‘plan-of-action’ incorporated into life then stress has every right to take over life without any backlash. My stress was due to an overload of homework and life. I had more homework at once. More than I have ever had in my college experience so far. On top of that like I said, life does happen. Sometimes it’s even more stress added that gets stirred into the stress. My privacy got broken into by someone stealing my spare key to my car, and breaking in. What had resulted from this unconscious stress affected my body negatively. Due to those…show more content…
My routine didn’t help my lifestyle either. That week I went to school then typically went to work where it gave me more anxiety and then got off around 11pm or a later went home to work on homework before I crashed into sleep and then start all over again. Sleep was my only gate to release from this stressful routine. This was ridiculously tiring and because of late night homework sessions, I generally fell asleep while I was driving which of course is extremely dangerous. When experiencing this amount of stress unconsciously my justification to try and release this stress, was the lack of time. I did not have enough time to live life much less take care of myself in any healthy way on this treacherous journey, but little did I know it is…show more content…
In general when I experience this much stress I don’t think I have time to take care of myself/. I researched some ways I could implement self-care into my lifestyle and still maintain a busy schedule. First, regardless of my busy week I need to exercise. I do have a gym membership, so I will at least try and go to the gym once a week for thirty minutes and then increase the days each week until I feel satisfied. I know this may seem difficult, but it is a necessary care routine for my body in the short/long term. I know I always have a better attitude and feel better once I exercise. Another necessary self-care tactic to implement is a spiritual one. It has been something that has always released stress in the past and I know will in the future. Going to a Bible study, reading my Bible, praying, or listening to spiritual music really keeps my spirit open and reminds me of the important things in life. I feel more peace and an open mind when I remember to be spiritual. There is nothing that can compare to the stress reliever as God. That is something for me that is essential and really has helped in the past and
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