Stop The Rt Sybil Burton Summary

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According to the paragraph “Stop the Rot” Sybil Burton says “Grade inflation may take the form of raising a student’s grade by one letter (from B to A, for example) or by raising a passing grade)”. Sybil Burton illustrates that most universities grade students using the traditional grading system. They award students with a grade ranging from A to F. Some are of the opinion that this system has shortcomings while others argue that it represents the range of a student’s work. Instructors, as well as students, are familiar with the system. Grade inflation has become a problem at universities. Many instructors assign higher grades than what the work is worth. Often, instructors upgrade work in order for students to pass or achieve a higher grade.…show more content…
When students get high grades without working hard on themselves, they would not success in their job in future; he or she will face problems, which they cannot deal with them. Moreover, when students get grades that they don’t deserve, they will not get enough knowledge that let them pass the course after or to move to the next level of education. Even if they graduated, they will not be qualified for a job. For example, when my sister applied for a job, which she was accepted because of her high GPA. However, she got high grades in some of accounting subjects in the university, which she is not good at it. Therefore, she was not success in her job because her professors provided her with high grades, that she has not deserved it. At the end, when professors give grades that the students do not deserve, they will not be a success in their future life…show more content…
Most of the students will think that all of the teachers are easy with the evaluation, so they can get high grade even if they do not study or work hard. Even in their jobs they will always depend on other people work. In most cases of employees failing to deliver effectively at their workplaces, the reason is they never qualified for the job. The job market requires academic expertise and working experience to perform effectively. Whereby a person gets too much pressure at work because he or she was never used to the training activities and the overwhelming exercises of the brain from the time he or she was still a student. For example, my cousin was asked to do a project for his manager. He did not care about the project that he was handled. He found someone to do it for him. After the manager checked the project, he discovered that my cousin did not do his work, so he was upset. The manager fired my cousin from his work because he was a depended

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