Stereotypes In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Why are women in society treated unfairly due to their gender? To begin with, in "To Kill a Mocking Bird", by Harper Lee, there is a lot of controversy over women not being allowed to do a higher class job. "To Kill a Mocking Bird", it is placed during the Great Depression where a little girl named, Scout Finch, is learning how to live with racism and very cruel people in a little small town called Maycomb County, Alabama. There is a lot to deal with in Maycomb, for example, you basically have to act like a woman so society won't get the wrong idea about you. We take a deeper look into the Scout's relationship with her father who is defending a colored man, Tom Robinson, who is being convicted of rape and Scout sees the importance of society…show more content…
There are two specific women who represent 'women in stereotypes, their names are Scout's aunt, Aunt Alexandra, and her neighbor, Miss Maudie Atkinson, they have a big role in the society of Maycomb County. First of all, some background on Aunt Alexandra, she is Scout's aunt. At some points she can be strict on certain occasions, but I think she just wants what is best for her family. With that being said, in "To Kill a Mocking Bird" a good example of her personality is her relationship with her niece Scout. Scout is considered to be a tomboy, as a consequence Aunt Alexandra always gives Scout a good lecture about being very ladylike. It seems so important in the society of Maycomb that women have to do certain things and wear dresses constantly, but where is their freedom at to be who they want to be. Aunt Alexandra's role in her society of Maycomb County is this, she is a very sweet woman and she loves her family and doesn't want her family to get hurt. An example of her sweetness for her neighborhood would be in chapter 24, where Aunt Alexandra hosts a missionary tea party with some of their neighbors. During this time
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