Stereotypes In Persepolis

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In Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel, Persepolis, Marji is forced to wear a veil after the Revolution of 1979 in Iran. Marji and her friends were never taught the reason for a veil and were not fond of it. As she grew, she learned to rebel against her country’s strict laws. Today many Muslim women and girls wear veils in public. It is a tradition for Muslim girls and women to start wearing veils as they come of age. In America we can find people of many ethnicities, many skin colors, wearing many different traditional clothes. Most of society is accustomed to the diversity, but it can also invoke racial thoughts and stereotypes. These judgments can shadow someone’s view of a person over who they truly are. When we see a girl who wears a veil, before we know her name, we identify her as “the girl with the scarf.” We know her religion before her age. Some might even think she is a “terrorist” before knowing her personality. But this isn’t called racist until someone says something. If we know another Muslim girl who has not chose to wear a veil, we imply that this girl must be orthodox…show more content…
Therefore, we see wearing a scarf as a sign of oppression and women being controlled by men. Though in Islam, wearing a scarf to cover your head is a sign of modesty. It is worn so that women are recognized for their intellect instead of their looks and sexuality. I asked a friend her opinion on wearing a veil. She replied with, “I don’t judge women who wear veils, but I don’t support it. I just think that women should be free to be who they are.” I think that any person would agree with the idea of women, or anyone, being free to be who they are. Yet when a woman wears a scarf on her head, we determine who she is without knowing her. So if we believe that that a woman should be free to express herself why do we take that right away from her when we judge her by her choice of wearing a

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