Stereotypes In Medea

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In Euripides’ Medea, Medea switches between genders roles commonly associated with ancient Greek society. The protagonist is contrary in many ways to the stereotype of a woman in Ancient Greece at that time. She demonstrates an abundance of behavioral and psychological patterns that differentiate her from typical Ancient Grecian women. For example, many of Medea’s characteristics, such as her pride, determination, cruelty, passion, as well as talent in manipulation often appear through her actions displayed in the book. One of Medea’s defining characteristics is her extreme pride, something which even to a certain level today is stereotyped as a masculine quality. Medea was wholly prepared to sacrifice everything, in order to seek revenge…show more content…
For example, wallowing in self-contempt is generally a quality attributed to women by society. Medea is so unhappy with herself after her marriage with Jason ended. She reacts to Jason's leave by saying, "Oh, I wish that lightning from heaven would split my head open. Oh what use have I now for life? I would find my release in death and leave hateful existence behind me" (she wants to die). ( Page 6) Another quality associated with women is to take revenge or use deceit to achieve their goals (especially in a situation such as Medea's). In the book, Jason leaves Medea for King Creon's daughter, who is younger, royalty, and accepted by society. However, when Creon banishes her because of his fear, Medea persuades him to allow her to stay one more day in Corinth on the pretense of preparing for exile. Instead, she was planning the murders of her enemies and children. "By exiling me, he has given me this on day to stay here, and in this I will make dead bodies of three of my enemies---father, the girl, and my husband. I have many ways of death which I might suit to them, and do not know, friends, which one to take in hand; whether to set fire underneath their bridal mansion, or sharpen a sword and thrust it to the heart, stealing into the palace where the bed is made. There is just one obstacle to this. If I am caught breaking into the house and scheming against it, I shall die and give my enemies

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