Stanley Milgram's Obedience In The Holocaust

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Think of all the people close to you in your life. Surely you think that none of them would ever be able to intentionally inflict pain on another person. Yet a physiologist by the name of Stanley Milgram believed otherwise. He thought that ordinary people could and would inflict pain on another person if they were being told by an authority figure. Milgram called this obedience to authority and performed an experiment to prove he was right. This can also be seen in the Holocaust and in the other variations of Milgram’s experiment. Stanley Milgram was born in 1933 into a family of Jewish immigrants who resided in New York City. He attended high school at James Monroe where he was known for his hard work and dedication. In 1954 he received his…show more content…
An example of this is one participant by the name of Bruno Batta. He was willing to satisfy any of the orders that the teacher told him to do. Bruno even went so far as to forcing the learners hand down on the shock plate because they refused to do it themselves. When Batta reached the maximum of 450 volts he turned to the experimenter and asked him what to do next, what was the next step. When the experimenter told him there was no more to do the experiment was over Batta said how he was so honored to be able to help him in this experiment (Milgram 640-641). If an authority figure is telling another person what to do, the person doing the act does not hold themselves accountable for the action. This may be as Milgram said “Perhaps…..the most common characteristic of socially organized evil in modern…show more content…
In 1933 the Europe was home to over nine million Jewish individuals. These individuals lived where most of Nazi Germany would occupy during World War II. The Nazi’s came up with a plan called the “Final Solution” which consisted of killing almost two out of three European Jews by 1945. The Nazis shipped the Jewish people to concentration camps to live out the rest of their days in slavery and starvation. Only about 37% of the Jews survived the Holocaust and the concentration camps. When looking at the obedience to authority side of it, the Nazi guards who put all the Jews into the train cars to be shipped to concentration camps were just following orders from a Nazi higher up. The Nazi guards who separated the families and decided who would live and be put to work and who would be killed in the gas chambers were just following orders from higher up. When asked on trial many of the Nazi soldiers said they were just following orders and doing what they were told. They were in full compliance with the idea of obedience to

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