St. Jude's Nursing Case Study: GM 680-Leaadership And Strategic Management

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GM 680-Leaadership and Strategic Management Prepare a set of recommendations based on your SWOT analysis. St. Jude’s Medical, a hospital with 359-bed facility together with nine additional affiliated premises, is a well-known and established health system across the US. This institute enjoys the lion’s share in terms of brand acceptability. However, subsequently, focus upon studying its SWOT analysis, it can be said that the wide-ranging sets of recommendation will play a huge role to enhance its operations and competence. Thus, upon examining, at the outset, this institute has to introduce new-fangled products as the company is heavily relying upon medical devices. Hence, it has to intensify his research department’s efforts to produce…show more content…
For this, it has to take its staff, especially nurses’ help to broadcast company’s new range of products in the health domain. And with the intention of marketing effective outcomes, nurses should be given proper training and materials so that they can broadcast the message clearly. Besides, social networking sites together with leading newspapers, magazines, and other basic pillars of communication can serve as a good groundwork for marketing purposes (Alan & Robert, 2007). Moreover, the strongest brand can further turn these efforts into opportunities for St. Jude’s Medical Company. So, they have to strengthen their image or reputation by means of effective and substantiated marketing strategies in general, such as mounting philanthropic tasks, fulfilling environmental projects, offering various schooling related programs and so on (Vlasses & Smeltzer,…show more content…
It has been observed that, financial performance decides the future of the any organization and hence, capital sources should be realized without delay to continue confidence and satisfaction of patients in the system (Bennis & Joan, 2003). As having full capital resources and backing, the company can also carry on quality in the health associated operations in common with achieving improvability in each action. In the long run, it would serve up to the mark to sustain or take its value to the higher

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